Sunday, July 22

Keeping a Car in San Francisco

I tried to figure out how much it was going to cost me per year to keep a car in San Francisco. I calculated $3,300,000. That seems like a lot. Definitely thought I could keep it under a million dollars. I guess it's possible I hit the multiply button somewhere in there by mistake.

I re-did my calcs and got $4670. That's probably about right. I wish I didn't "need" a car. But with surfing, visiting folks in Santa Cruz, etc, it's difficult to contemplate life without one. Unfortunately, San Francisco's otherwise excellent car share program wouldn't work for me. That plan is designed for people taking short trips around town rather than weekend trips. It's a great concept but even surf day trips (assume 7 hours and 140 miles for a Santa Cruz surf) get very expensive. Though I spose I should be grateful I won't be in New York.

Friday, July 13

Strawberry Hill Forever

Anticipating my upcoming move to San Francisco, I've been rediscovering all my old Red House Painters albums. It's been ten years or so since I was listening to the Painters but - for better or worse - they are back in rotation. Their songs are steeped in the atmosphere of the city's foggy neighborhoods. Every other song features a San Francisco location: Ocean Beach, Grace Cathedral, Strawberry Hill, Golden Gate Elementary. Lots of hills in those songs.

Strawberry Hill - one of my favorite Painters tracks - is especially apt, being about a kid who has moved to California.

(Any many folks already know, I'll soon be working for Keker and Van Nest in San Francisco.)

In other, strangely related, news I resourcefully ordered Vanessa's book, Strawberry Hills Forever, from the US and am loving it so far (66 pages in). The title and cover art make Vanessa Berry's name seem like a nom de plume.

Best story so far: Sometimes, You Just Feel Like Spending Two Days as a Rabbit