Losing My Edge
I turned 31 yesterday, so I thought I'd share some lyrics from a song by LCD Soundsystem . . .
I used to work in the record store
I had everything before anyone
But I'm losing my edge
to better-looking people
with better ideas
and more talent
And they're actually really, really nice
I'm losing my edge to the art-school Brooklynites in little jackets and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered eighties
. . .
Since I bought my car I've been surfing every weekend. And I just found a local surfing site that is perhaps the best internet site in the whole wide world. Swellnet has the kind of surfer weather-nerd detail that you thought you could only dream about. Today's forecast, for example, has a nearly 1000 word discussion of the systems in the Southern Ocean and their potential consequences for the southern Victorian 'swell window'. Apparently, a powerful low is going to 'stall inside Victoria's swell window' and bring a 'prolonged round of swell energy'. I love the internet.