Tuesday, April 29

Because Three Surfboards Is Not Enough

My new baby

Thursday, April 24

The Guy Who's Where He Is Only Because He's Australian

Title of the post could just as well be: The Guy Who's Where He Is Only Because Of The E-3

Anyway, think I'm going to have to check out Colson Whitehead's books. Anyone read him? He has a great op ed in the Times today.

And his blog has this great riff on what the Google of the future might look like:

[T]he unfinished killer Google app, the Google Superego. It will be quite handy. When you’re out late and say to yourself, “I’ll have another pint before I go home,” the Google Superego pops up and goes, Did you mean: Go home right now? When you think to yourself, “There’s a twelve hour Top Chef marathon on Bravo and I’m going to watch it,” the Google Superego pops up and goes, Did you mean: Read a book and tell your family how much you love them?


The weird thing is that we are probably not so far away from the time when our 'devices' (I-phone, etc) are implanted in our bodies and Google Superego will not seem far fetched. I prefer the idea of a Google Id, however: "I think I'll clean my apartment and take my car in for a service," the Google Id pops up and goes, Did you mean: Get really drunk and ride your bike down a steep hill?

We'll need to call Google technical support to resolve conflicts between our Google Superego and our Google Id.

Sunday, April 13

21st Street

An unheralded, mostly residential Mission District side street, forever in the shadow of its showier cousins like the hipster boulevard of Valencia Street, the bar-filled 16th, mercado-filled 24th or bustling Mission with its one-dollar stores and fast food joints. I have a soft spot for 21st though and always choose it when riding the long way to work through Potrero Hill and around the ball park to the bay (something I tend to do on the all too frequent days I go in on the weekend). Riding east:

Bethany Center

Pedal Revolution

El Cachanilla

Pirate Cat Radio

Galaxy House. It's for sale if you're looking for somewhere new and kinda stupid to live.

At the end of 21st, looking back toward Twin Peaks.