Welcome to Noe Valley
It's sunny. The thick fog flows up Twin Peaks to my west then, as if exhausted by the climb, it burns away as it crests the summit ridge. Meanwhile, down in the sunshine, silicon valley yuppies push their technospawn along 24th St in expensive strollers. The 24th St shops are full of expensive and useless things but Mission St with its endless rows of $1 stores is just a short hike away. I flee the yuppies and head across to the Mission to buy essentials: shower curtain, bath mat, tea towels, etc. Street finds, thrift stores and craigslist supply lamps, bookshelves, a desk and a sofa. The place starts to come together.
I'm just about finished moving in. Am waiting for a sofa bed to be delivered. When that gets here, guests are welcome. Here are some photos of the new place:
The 24th and Church Muni stop right below my deck.
Living room.
Looking west toward Twin Peaks from my deck.
My new address is:
96 Jersey St, Apt 3
San Francisco, CA 94114
Land line: 415 875 9452
Cell (same as before): 831 325 7801