Friday, April 21


An algorithm for locating me:

Small to medium swell and W to NW winds = Guvvos
Large swell and W to NW winds = Shoreham (high tide only)
Small to medium swell and NE winds (or light E winds) = Gunnamatta
Large swell and NE winds = 13th Beach (if not too big)
Large swell and S to SE winds = Cat Bay (high tide only, mid-week only as too crowded on weekends)
Small to Medium swell and N winds = 13th Beach
Mid-week, medium swell, cold, cloudy winter day with NW winds = Bells Beach
Medium swell and SW winds = Urquhart Bluff if desperate (or maybe Torquay surf beach if not too crowded)
Large swell, high tide and light SW winds = Secret Spot (not telling)


About 6 hours after posting the above Phil and I headed to Urquhart Bluff. After catching a wave to the inside I realised it was breaking over a waist deep rock shelf. Soon after, I had two separate cuts requiring stiches.

Damn Posted by Picasa

Ok, all of the above is true but the injury was from hitting my own board in a wipe out rather than from rocks (which would definitely be cooler). I was very surprised to be bleeding (let alone have two deep cuts) as I didn't hit my board very hard at all. I was also surprised to discover how much local anesthetic hurts. It's like having acid injected into your face. I mean the stuff is supposed to be ANESTHETIC right? Anyway, I'm extremely annoyed because we'd barely started surfing and I'll also have to miss out on Anzac day because the stitches will still be in.

Sunday, April 16

Melbourne Returns

Summer has finally ended. April here is as cold as a Perth July. The air is breathably cool and the streets are slick with the intermittent rain.

Melbourne is a city that belongs in winter. (Ever notice how all Melbourne movies take place in winter?). Knowing this, the Melbournians got their woolen hats and scarves out of the closet at the first hint of cool air. As rugged up locals run through the rain, with coffee in hand, to catch a tram to the footy, this city finally makes sense again.

Fitzroy Gardens this afternoonPosted by Picasa

Sunday, April 2

You Are What You Read

Dropped in to see Kentia at Castle Books this afternoon and just missed seeing her sell a book to Chopper Read. What did he buy? Wait for it . . . Machiavelli for Dummies (ok, The Essential Machiavelli). Hilarious.

. . .

This article from The Age asks if Australia over values sporting glory and spends too much public money on elite sport. Well duh.

People often wonder how I could be interested in living in the United States. I ask, what is Australia's closest equivalent to America's Institute of Advanced Study or NASA? Answer: The Australian Institute of Sport. The AIS is the only place in Australia where, with a large public investment, we focus seriously on world class achievement. America may also be stupid about sport but at least they have other things.