Scratching Problem
I have a severe scratching problem. And it’s getting worse. Seems now that I scratch on the black in about half of the games I play. Yet, scratching aside, my pool is getting better. How could that be? As my pool improves my scratching improves also.
For example, while drunk late on a Friday night at the classy T. Ruggs Tavern, I was handed the cue late in a game of doubles against two guys who had held the table for an age. Sketchy Shaun and I had four balls remaining while they had only the eight. I proceed to clear the table. Really clear the table - for my final shot I skillfully cut the eight, which was resting on the side felt, into the corner pocket and watch the white ball creep into the opposite corner. In a game a few days later I sink the black with an excellent banked shot that traveled twice the length of the table. Unfortunately, on its way to the black, the white ball kissed my opponent’s remaining ball - moving it less than a millimeter. Another glorious scratch.
I take my scratching problem as a metaphor (metonym?) for life. The more educated you get, the older you get, the more impressive and complicated your screw ups get to be.