Triple Play
Three pieces of news.
First, I passed the freakin' California Bar Exam. The less said about that miserable experience the better. Still waiting on some paperwork to get admitted formally but hopefully will be a legit California lawyer soon.
Second, Sasquatch!

So awesome. Hard to do it justice in a single blog post. Pitchfork did a good feature which gives you a sense of the event. I went with a group of 8 (including 5 lawyers, yikes). We rented an RV, bought about 1000 bags of chips, picked up way too much beer and spirits and had a blast. One of my RV mates was covering the event for the Seattle Post Intelligencer and you can read a sampling of her posts (I'm "the Naze") here, here, here and here.
Who was good? As expected The Flaming Lips, The Cure, The National (who played on the small stage because they were late and it worked out perfectly), The New Pornographers, Death Cab for Cutie and Beirut were fantastic.
Who was unexpectedly good? Thao and the Get Down Stay Down, Rodrigo y Gabriela (Mexican acoustic metal, who knew?); M.I.A. (highlight of the first day with The National) and The Hives stole the show.
Who was bad? In three solid days, very few bands sucked but The Mars Volta sucked big time.
Ordinary life has seemed very ordinary post-Sasquatch!

And third, Triple Play!
Scored some great seats for Friday's Giants-Padres game (eight rows back behind the home dugout) and was in a good spot to see a rare triple play. It was the first ever triple play in the eight year-old ballpark.
Congrats on the bar!
And you've reached a new level in the Obama-supporting cultural elite -- having a professional journalist do your blogging for you.
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